PA Orthopedics CME Updated For 2025

DosedDaily delivers one, clinically relevant question to your inbox each day. Answer the question and you’ll master the latest evidence and fulfill 54 hours of your NCCPA requirement with AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment Credit every year.
DosedDaily is Approved by the AAPA for
AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment Credit.
DosedDaily is Approved by the AAPA for
AAPA Category 1 Self Assessment Credit.
Earning PA Orthopedics CME with DosedDaily

How it Works

DosedDaily puts your CME on autopilot. Less stress, more learning, and it’s actually fun!
Try A Question Now

Stay Up To Date. Effortlessly.

One question a day. Right in your inbox. No login required.

Absorb key findings from 360 carefully selected peer-reviewed articles each year and earn PA Orthopedics CME.

You'll complete 36 AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment CME Credits each year which NCCPA counts at 1.5x so you'll fulfill 54 credits each year and take care of your entire 100 credit 2-year NCCPA requirement.

You can find DosedDaily on the NCCPA directory and review our accreditation information.Orthopedics

Thousands of Your Colleaguesare
 Earning Credit With DosedDaily


Bart Miller, PA-C

Verified Customer

I absolutely love DosedDaily. As a busy PA, I appreciate the concise review questions that are on point and relevant. Don’t have time every day? No problem. It's easy catch up when you have time. Fabulous CME.

Green Bay, WI, 2 months ago

10+ Million

Questions answered


CME credits earned


Minutes per day


New, evidence-based questions per year


Hours of NCCPA requirements fulfilled each year
PA Orthopedics CME Question

Quick and
Convenient PA Orthopedics CME 

Whether you're grabbing coffee, in between patients, or waiting for the elevator, you can easily earn your CME credits right on your phone.
Try it free

Why You'll Love It

Try DosedDaily risk free to see if it is right for you. 
Here's why your colleagues love it.
Try DosedDaily risk free to see if it is right for you. Here's why your colleagues love it.

Fits Your Schedule

Just 5 minutes per day and you can fulfill 54 hours each year.

Right to Your Inbox

Each morning, you'll receive a new question delivered in your inbox. No log-in or app required.


Decide which days you want to receive emails and catch up whenever you have time.

All Your Requirements

Complete all your requirements all in one place every year. No more last-minute scrambling, tracking down certificates, or time away from home.


Each question is based on a paper that impacts patient care. We read the journals so you don't have to.

Always Up-to-Date

Receive new information daily. Nothing is recycled so you'll always learn something new.

100% Love it Guarantee

Try 6 credits risk free. If you don't absolutely love it, let us know. We'll refund you and you can keep the credits.

No pharma funding

We don't receive any funding from the pharmaceutical industry.


Fun, interactive and engaging. Our small-dose question format aids retention.
Jim Van Rhee, PA-C, MS

MeetOur PA 

My passion for PA education and the role that technology can play in the learning process is the driving force behind PA DosedDaily.

From the start it was critically important that this be a PA-led initiative to have the most impact for the profession. I've recruited a team of top PAs that practice across specialties to ensure that the content is both clinically relevant and engaging when it arrives in your inbox each day.
James Van Rhee, DMSc, PA-C, DFAAPA
Editor in Chief, PA DosedDaily
Chair of Assessment and Remediation, Touro University

Supporting PA Students

When you sign up for DosedDaily, your membership helps to pay it forward. We offer free access to thousands of students and residents each year. With their free subscription, they’re able to stay up-to-date and get in the habit of completing small doses of medical education each day.

Are you a PA student? Sign up here.

Pick Your Perfect PlanFor PA Orthopedics

Get started with a 30-day free trial.

PA Orthopedics


Fulfill 4.5 credits at $7/credit
6 credit "Love It" Guarantee
Secure Checkout
Try Free for 30 Days
Daily question to your inbox
Fulfill 54 credits each year
36 AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment Credits each year
NCCPA gives a 1.5x bonus for Self-Assessment CME
Most Popular

PA Orthopedics


Fulfill 54 credits at $4/credit
6 credit "Love It" Guarantee
Secure Checkout
Try Free for 30 Days
Daily question to your inbox
Fulfill 54 credits each year
36 AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment Credits each year
NCCPA gives a 1.5x bonus for Self-Assessment CME

PA Orthopedics
3 Years

$499/3 years

Get 162 credits at $3/credit
6 credit "Love It" Guarantee
Secure Checkout
Try Free for 30 Days
Daily question to your inbox
Fulfill 54 credits each year
36 AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment Credits each year
NCCPA gives a 1.5x bonus for Self-Assessment CME

6 Credit Love ItGuarantee

Try 6 specialty credits risk free. If you don't absolutely love it, let us know. We'll refund you and you can keep the credits.


How do I access the questions?
You’ll receive a question in your email inbox each weekday around 5am EST (9am at the weekend). Just click on the answer choice right from your email and you’ll be taken to the explanation - no log-in required!
Do I need to answer the questions every day?
No! The daily questions act as a reminder. When you have time, answer any question and then click "Next Dose” from the explanation to catch up and earn all your credits. You can also catch up on specific months by clicking on the ⓘ icon beneath the "Next Dose" button.
Can I change how often I receive emails?
Yes! You can login and choose to receive questions daily, on particular days of the week or monthly in the email settings on the account page.
What topics are covered in the PA Orthopedics CME program?
Each day you'll receive a question on a new topic that is clinically relevant to PAs working in Orthopedics. Colleagues really appreciate the variety of topics covered. Each question is based on an article that you may not be familiar with and which impacts patient care. We weight coverage based on how likely you are to see something in your practice.
How does earning credit work?
Simply answer the daily questions retrying until correct to earn credit. You’ll fulfill 4.5 credits for each month you complete.
How do I get my certificate?
Your credits are safely stored in your account and there is no need to claim a certificate or complete the survey every month. When you need a certificate, complete the process of earning credit by logging in and completing the survey on the certificate tab. Your certificate with all your credit will be emailed instantly and will be dated based on when you complete the process.
What type of credits will I earn and who accepts them?
You will fulfill 54 hours of your NCCPA requirements each year with AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment Credit.
How do the NCCPA 1.5x bonus credits work?
The NCCPA wants to encourage the use of self-assessment as an active approach to learning. Your certificate will specify the number AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment credits earned and then NCCPA will apply the 1.5x bonus when you submit your certificate to them. This will allow you to fulfill 54 credits every year with DosedDaily. Learn more about self-assessment credit on the NCCPA website.
Who accredits PA Orthopedics DosedDaily?
PA Orthopedics DosedDaily is Approved by the AAPA for AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment Credit. PA Orthopedics DosedDaily has been reviewed by the AAPA Review Panel and is compliant with AAPA CME Criteria. You can find PA Orthopedics DosedDaily on the NCCPA directory and review our accreditation information.
What is your refund policy?
You can cancel at any time. With our 100% Love It Guarantee you can earn 6 credits risk free. If you don't absolutely love it, let us know. We'll refund you and you can keep the credits. After that, you can either cancel at renewal or you can request an immediate cancellation. We will refund you charging you only for the months you have used at the monthly rate.
I still have questions! How can I contact you?
We'd love to hear from you! Use our contact form to get in touch. You can also respond to any DosedDaily email with any questions.