As an Otolaryngology-Head and Neck surgery resident, like all residents, I found that the performance of my clinical duties left little time for reading and learning. I decided early on that, with a little time each day, I would try to answer just one “Question”. That question might be clinical, basic science, or a pimp question I had missed from an attending. This took only 10-15 minutes each day, but allowed me to research over 350 questions each year in a unrushed, unhurried fashion that improved my learning and retention.
This was the best learning experience of my residency.
When I started my academic career, I began intermittently emailing questions to my residents and the term e-pimp was coined by one of them (now a Academic Otolaryngologist herself). The name stuck. I began doing daily e-pimps for my residents, and then expanded to residents all over the country.
Before long, colleagues in practice were asking to be included. Recognizing what a great learning experience writing the questions was for my own practice, I had the service accredited for CME and the response has been phenomenal.
The name e-pimp caused some predictable problems with spam filters and so we are now known as DosedDaily … and I hope we can make reading and learning a short, daily experience for more specialties over time.